faux film)
Fresh! Like a kiss. On a cheek. Friends who can't hide their feelings. Frais! Comme rever en Francais. Fresh! Like laundry on Sunday. Hispanics' bleached cottons. Fraiche! La lavande dans les draps frais.
Fresh! Like picnics by the beach. Families on Labor Day. Comme les mouettes sur l'eau verte. Fresh! like Ben & Jerry ice cream. Fresh! Chanel mist. Lotioned skin. Shampooed hair loose in the wind. Fresh! Un gros savon qu'on prend.
Fresh! Like moving. A new town. Like learning. Mes premiers mots de Chinois. Fresh! Like the Golden Bridge. Fresh! Like deers on the Palo Alto hills. Squirrels climbing. The cat waking you up at 6. Fresh! Comme son museau.
Frais! Comme les bougainvilliers. Hibiscus, mandavillas. Fresh like humingbirds coming really close. And this was coded in L.A. It's Summer and no air-conditioning . My neck is wet with sweat. And my pillow won't dry. Tomorrow, they'll treat me like shit.. I grab a Squirt for a quick high. Deux heures, c'est pas tout ca. 2 AM. Burnt out on the Web. What else is Fresh!