Nicole Stenger_2025




working from CA on 2 ongoing projects in 2025: "War in your Socks" & "In Raches We Leap!"(with VR)

Year of travelling

2023 news


"la Guerre en Chaussettes"

("War in your Socks")


For $25 receive a VIRTUAL KISS signed by the Artist

See here

Raches Lives!

New Crest

+ 45 Editions of "TIMES OF RACHES" (1st Batch Completed)

2022 news

"In Raches We Leap!"


See here

"Memoirs of the Santa Monica Boulevard"

Voice to text recordings



More Stenger's VR Blue

cart in the skyView of Paradise

Made with Unity


2020 Stenger

(c) Nicole Stenger 1998-2021


Stenger in 2020 with her family tartan

Stenger's VR Blue

Experience this VR scene (Oculus only) Download zip here

The Wish-VR2

Blue Scene from "The Wish VR" Part 2


Stenger-All-Blue1 Stenger-Blue2

Blue Scene from "The Isle VR"

Worlds for "The Wish VR" Part 2 completed
Shopping Carts The Firehouse
Firefighters outdoors market

Scenes from "The Wish VR" Part 2


See "The Wish" 2015 on YouTube


previous homepage

earlier homepage

First Part of "The Wish VR" now completed

Experience these 2 VR scenes in Oculus Rift/Touch

Download Zip here


Dario Martinelli

"What you See is What you Hear"

Page 71


Ben Delaney

"Virtual Reality 1.0"

(Second Edition)


"The Wish VR" is on its way!

the waves wrap the city in the VR city
the eyes are coming the waves are coming
the eyes enter a home the ears enter a home
Tomb guardian blowing balloon 2 tomb guardians transmitting the wish

Scenes from "The Wish VR" 1st part

Motion, music, narrative, each scene an Art experience. 

See "The Wish" on YouTube

and so is "The Isle VR"!

the shiny library the library second floore

the poet and the book A thoughtful guardian poet


After "Chambers", "The Wish"(2015) now becoming a VR experience!

Still from "The WIsh"

9/2018 release of "Chambers VR" for Oculus

4 "Chambers VR" Scenes in Unity (OCULUS & HTC VIVE)

"Chambers"was created in 2001 for immersion & released in VRML

Video of "Chambers VRML" in swf format

Stenger in 2017

Experience in VR!

(Oculus-tested so far)

excerpts from Stenger's movies: "Dynasty" "Angels"

(Made with Unity)

"Angels"created in 1989-91 for immersion
Experience this VR scene with the Rift zip file no installation

"Dynasty" created in 2007-09 for immersion
Experience this VR scene with the Rift zip file no installation

"Rise of The Machines" by Thomas Rid Hilarious depiction of 1st "Cyberconf" presentation.


Stenger with the Oculus Rift

BBC Focus "Virtual Reality The Complete Guide"



"Angels"1989-91 "The Isle"2011

Currently tested in Unity, Oculus,Touch

Other Works, HMD Options will Follow

"The Isle" in VR (Unity)

"Angels" in VR (Unity)



Deutsche Radio Interview

(2nd half hour)

 (2015 Homepage)



(See a short video 2'44''. Music by Mozart, Song by Victoria Mariano)

MP4 (12.1 MB)
AVI (85.12 MB)

"THE WISH" Narration:

Everything was falling.
Then the Waves came.
They wrapped houses and entire cities.
And with them, came the Ears, and the Eyes.
And sometimes a Nose would sit on the kid's dinner.

With no homes and no cities, the citizens went to the hills
and left words of despair
on abandonned shelves.

Tomb Guardians from ancient times found them,
and blew tham to another dimension.

And it became "THE WISH".

Then, something happened.
Right where the noble-minded are..

In every fire-station
the firefighters became divine!

And there was so much goodness about them
that all the goodies that came to their minds
would just pop up in the air around them.

And it was real!

When they saw this, the citizens
rushed them to an old market by the sea
and started some serious shopping.

And it was all free!

And the bliss of all these bargains was so uplifting
that overnight, it became Paradise


Sure, it looked like a thriftstore,
but people liked it better.
And no-one missed the old fussy version!

Nicole Stenger 2015

VR, Web Movies, Homepages, Poetry, Cybertexts, Installations, Sculptures, Abstractions, Sound, Archeology.


  (2014 Homepage)


The Verge






Tumblr art-science-politics



Kill Screen, Reddit, Tech Times  

Sex Drugs and Tesselation The Truth About Virtual Reality Ben Delaney




Archeologia del web. Le origini del cinema online  Marzia Morteo                                                                                   




  (2013 Homepage)

"Cologne OFF" Cologne

National Museum of Women in the Arts Washington DC

"Contemporary Women Artists on the Web"

Nicole Stenger, proprietor of Internet Movie Studio, presented her own 2020 vision, writing: “Home is where the government is.

All new homes come pre-installed with invisible webcams, and as half of society is watching the other half, unemployment is resolved.

The old name of surveillance becomes ‘observatory of man’s anabasis’ or ‘1 billion blossoms.’  
Still, drowning in the mirror of its own triviality, society loses motivation and growth is anemic.

Many escape to the mountains in Internet-free reserves, with no Wi-Fi poles or electricity and running water inside houses.

But most shrug it off and use the Internet as usual, swapping poems in cyberspace on how to tend to their house plants with a Web-based watering system.”

10 years of Java Museum. Cologne, Germany

VR, Web Movies, Homepages, Poetry, Cybertexts, Installations, Sculptures, Abstractions, Sound, Archeology.


(c) nicole stenger 1998-2025
