


Raches crest

In Raches we Leap!

Any resemblance with the (boring) town of Râches, France is coincidence.
In Raches VR we're proud to have:
no buildings
no billboards
no avatars
And in reality:
no crowns
gold chains
or balcony
"We're not hicks" says the Princess, a daughter of 2 revolutions, who only wears sashes,
"keep it simple".
Anyone ready to spend $555 on Râches can become a "Resident".
Children and anti-terrorism Vets who kept the Princess alive at times encouraged to apply (70% discount).
What do you get in your "Residency" package?
A hug from the Princess when you guys meet
A digital crest you can have embroidered
The "4 Centuries Capsule" a candy with the power of Wishful Thinking
A Certificate that in Raches you're 15 years younger than on your ID
4 tickets to the upcoming Râches VR Museum
A digital copy of the Râches Anthem (when written)
Free digital postcards of Râches to send to friends and family (when designed)
Seeds for your share of the "Chaotic Garden"
Your receipt
Residents Of Honor
are outstanding individuals who have shown unwavering support for the Princess eccentric projects.

Kindly send your donations to this Paypal account:
